Upper Don Network

Our Practices

Upper Don PCN has now been formed for over 5 years. This network comprises of Valley Medical Centre, Deepcar Medical Centre and Oughtibridge Surgery. We work together for 21,000 patients with numbers rising due to new residential building. The three managers from each surgery work closely together to benefit our patients and each practice has a Patient Participation group where all patients are welcome.

Our Aims

The network aims to provide services closer to home for the patients utilising shared resources to make this cost effective. Our patients can access shared services across our geographical boundary to improve their health and wellbeing. Funding for the network enables practices to recruit additional staff to improve patient access and services.

Our Staff

We now have the following staff within our Network:

Clinical Director – Dr Haymesh Patel

PCN Manager – Liz Sedgwick

Cancer Champion – Katie Copeland

Social Prescribing Link Worker (Adults) – Katy Travis

Social Prescribing Link Worker (Young people 13-24) – Kate Hedley, Door 43

Pharmacist – Hannah Springate and Sam Baker

First Contact Physio – Jim West and Liam Stanley

Mental Health Practitioner – Beth Cleghorn

Care Co-ordinators – at each practice


Our Local Community – Stocksbridge Deepcar, Wharncliffe Side, Oughtibridge

We have links with many groups and work closely with the Community run Stocksbridge Leisure centre, faith groups, People Keeping Well and Primary Care Sheffield.

We acknowledge that our community has a rich resource in its local voluntary groups and organisations that provide many great services to our local population. These groups include Leisure Centre activities, Dementia Café (run across the area), Food bank, Social Café, Addiction Recovery service, Valley React, Lunch clubs, mother and toddler groups, sports teams and facilities, drama groups, young People/children’s clubs, dance classes, Stocksbridge Walkers are welcome, Community Carers group, the Community Health Forum, local choirs, Women’s Institute, Towns Women’s guild, Brownies/Guides, Cubs/Scouts, 5 aside dads and many others.

Upper Don has a community development worker based at the Leisure Centre who collates all the information about our local groups within our geographical area – known as an ‘Asset Register’. Many new activities are being developed within Wharncliffe side and Oughtibridge.

These groups all support the local community and provide activities and meetings which improve peoples health and wellbeing.

Our Services:

By sharing our resources we are able to offer services across the PCN patch, including Social Prescribing drop in clinics, Occupational Health, First contact physio, AAA screening, Door 43 young peoples service, Mental Health Practitioner sessions and Sheffield Talking therapies. In particular we can offer additional appointments in the evenings and weekends through our network funded hubs at neighbouring centres (Burncross and Fairlawns).

Our long term aim is to bring more services closer to our patients and by working together we will ensure there are equitable access opportunities for our patients.